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Welcome from Susannah Wolf, Head of School

Welcome to PS1 Pluralistic School, an independent elementary school for Kindergarten through 6th-grade in the heart of Santa Monica. This is a place where we nurture and value the unique qualities contributed by each individual student and each adult at our school. Everyone contributes.

Pluralism, which is the ‘P’ in PS1, is the belief that a community is enriched when individual differences are understood, respected, and welcomed.

At PS1 we recognize and build upon a child’s passions, interests, talents, personal expressions, and uniqueness. We value a child for who they are and what they bring to their everyday life experience inside and outside the classroom. And we get to work with students who are motivated, engaged, confident individuals; strong in themselves, open to knowing others, and ready to take on new challenges.

We invite you to learn more about our school, now in its 54th year! It’s a special place where we empower children to become the best version of themselves, and where fitting in is about being yourself.

Watch and listen to learn more about our pluralistic philosophy and our innovative approach to elementary education...