Reasons To Be Proud
Featured Story

PS1's fire relief drive to support families affected by the wildfires - drop off items until Jan. 14. Thank you to so many PS1 families who have already donated!
Students waited in line to cast their votes on Election Day, as part of our Storypath Election Project. Poll workers were on hand to help out, and ballots will be counted in the afternoon. Candidates from the three Olders classes spent the weeks leading up to the election giving speeches and showing their commercials in order to engage and motivate potential voters.
Students in Youngers (K-1) have been learning about the three states of matter. They have identified the basic types of molecules: solid, liquid, and gas and how each takes specific shape, volume, and movement. Students explored how the temperature or a chemical reaction can make objects change from one state of matter to another. They conducted their own experiments to learn more about the changes of matter.
The Storypath Election is drawing near! Recently, all of the Olders students and the students in Violet Class gathered in the MPR for live speeches! The attention to detail brings an air of excitement and realism to the process. Additionally, parties booked speaking engagements to deliver their messages in every classroom on campus. In Studio, Chris guided our party members in building voting booths while also creating keepsake framed campaign posters. With each passing day, smaller posters are appearing all over campus, students are registering to vote, and the excitement is building. We look forward to guiding our students through the election process as the days near November 5th.
First-grade students strengthened their numbers sense and addition and subtraction skills by writing their own “double-decker bus” stories. Stories involved several passengers sitting on a double-decker bus (some on the top and some on the bottom). At the next stop, more passengers get on the bus or get off of the bus. How many passengers are on the bus now? Our students loved reading and solving each other's double-decker bus number stories. To learn more about our Math curriculum, CLICK HERE.
We welcomed back 12 PS1 alumni on Oct. 15 for our annual Life After PS1 event. Students from a range of high schools (public and independent) returned to talk about their experiences in middle and high school, and discuss how PS1 set the foundation for their education. The audience was moved by their personification of PS1's Portrait of a Graduate.
5th and 6th grade students in our Olders Cluster are immersed in a Storypath civics study, which focuses on an exploration of the US electoral system. By forming their own political parties and running campaigns in the school, our students will get first-hand experiences and knowledge about how the party system works.
Our updated Vision, Mission and Values statements honor PS1’s rich history and philosophical founding, while charting a course for an exciting future. We are thrilled to unveil the strategic opportunities that lie ahead, as we work together to realize our shared vision for PS1 and ensure that PS1 continues to thrive and evolve in a rapidly changing world.
Our LEARN Team (comprised of our Director of Teaching & Learning, Math Specialist, Learning Specialist, and Child Development Specialist) share their work in their monthly LEARN Team News. CLICK HERE to read the first edition of the 2024-25 school year.
PS1 celebrated the Class of 2024 under the Oak Tree with each student delivering a speech to family, friends, and the wider community. Each student was also honored with Moving Up Day words written by their classmates as well as Head of School, Susannah Wolf. It was a wonderful reflection of their time at PS1 and a joyful celebration of their accomplishments.
Looking Back; Looking Ahead: Enjoy our Spring issue of Periscope! Read about highlights from each of our classrooms and specialist areas, as well as Traditions Old and New, alumni updates, and our new journey of play!
Watch as the Blue Class (Grades 2&3) explores the genre of fantasy fiction, and creates their own characters and stories with the help of our specialist teachers!
On Thursday, February 15th the Youngers classes celebrated our 100th day of school! Our students worked hard to collect and count 100 objects (m&m’s, marshmallows, pasta noodles, etc.) to display in our 100th Day Museum. Students organized or grouped their items in various ways and shared their collections with each other and other members of our school community. Our 100th Day gallery walk was so much fun!
The fair gives attendees the opportunity to learn about working in an independent school and speak with representatives about open positions. The 2024 hybrid fair is designed with you in mind! We are excited to meet you, whether you are local to the Los Angeles area and attending in person, or connecting with us virtually from a different part of the country! CLICK HERE to register.