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Tuition and Fees

At PS1 Pluralistic School, we proactively seek socioeconomic, ethnic, racial and gender diversity. Students are considered for admission based on their qualifications without regard to their financial status.


Tuition and Fees:

$39,088 Annual Tuition (8:30am – 3:00pm, except early dismissal days)
$425 Family Community Fee: one per family
$200 Student Activities: per child
$1,000 Capital Fee: per child
$200 Monthly Handling Fee- only included for monthly payment plans

One Time Only Fees:

$150 Admissions Application Fee
$1,500 New Student Enrollment Fee


Optional - before and after school - fees do not include enrichment classes with require separate sign-up

$5.00 Rate per 30 minutes for Early Morning Care and After School Child Care (available from dismissal until 6:00 pm)

Annual rate for enrolled PS1 students

Annual rate is for 9 months, morning. care (7:30am - 8:15am) and after care (3pm - 6pm)

*Excludes evening events, no school days


While optional  transportation service was provided in the 2023-2024 school year, it is posptponed for the 2024-2025 school year.