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Kindergarten Readiness

What is readiness for the Kindergarten program at PS1?

PS1 thinks about Kindergarten readiness in terms of the whole child and the skills and strengths each child has developed. We look at what makes a child unique.

Attendance In Our Full Day Program

  • The Youngers program follows the schedule of the school that runs from 8:30 to 3:00. Kindergarten students are expected to attend and fully participate in the daily program.

Independent Self-Help Skills

  • This includes the ability to dress themselves, hang up their backpack or sweatshirt on a hook. Using the bathroom without assistance, redressing, washing hands and eating lunch with peers sitting at a table. 
  • This includes expressing their needs and asking adults for help when necessary.
  • This includes the ability to follow teacher directions to move around the classroom and the school, share materials with peers, and wait their turn.

Listening To Others

  • This includes understanding that listening is a skill to learn and that teachers and peers have thoughts and ideas that are valuable. 


  • This includes the ability to listen to a story book and make predictions based on the illustrations, and text that has been read to them.
  • This includes the ability to write their first name.

Curiosity About The World And Eagerness To Learn

  • This includes asking questions, contributing to conversations and the ability to express their thoughts and feelings.

Age-Appropriate Organizational Skills

  • This includes being able to sort items into categories as when using materials, cleaning up toys and finding simple patterns.