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We’re all in this together.

PS1 Pluralistic School understands that education of an elementary school child is a close partnership between the school and the home. Parents are encouraged to participate in classroom activities through field trips or the many leadership opportunities such as Parent-in-Residence, Book Breakfast and community service.

Parents are partners in their child’s education and in building our inclusive school community. On any given day, parents can be seen volunteering throughout our campus both inside and outside the classrooms. In addition to the Parents Guild, PS1 parents participate in a wide variety of committees, activities and projects. At PS1 there are endless opportunities for involvement.

How do PS1 parents volunteer at school? Let us count the ways – driving on a field trip, dropping in for DEAR (reading) time, delivering Hot Lunch, chairing the Yearbook Committee, checking math facts – The list is long and varied.

This sharing of time and talents enables parents to be active partners in children’s growth. It allows parents to build relationships with those friends, teachers, librarians, and mentors influencing their children’s lives. Classroom volunteering provides a glimpse into the curriculum, classroom dynamics and social world that can be difficult to fully grasp from the outside. This insight into children’s experiences allows parents to build on their learning experience and to fully support them in their journey.

PS1 parents also pour their heart and soul into volunteer activities outside the classroom. They emcee at the Book Fair, share a song, a poem or a dance. In doing so, parents illustrate to children that in life we are members of a community, working together to achieve a common goal. Everyone plays a role in orchestrating events and creating a rich learning environment.

By volunteering at school, parents model for children how to shape our community and become an integral part of it. Children, in turn, gain the confidence to express themselves in this community and make the school their own. And along the way the parents and children alike make friendships that last a lifetime!