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PS1 Pluralistic School students attend classes with our specialist teachers throughout the week, often in half-class groups, to allow for more individualized instruction. Specialist teachers frequently plan with classroom teachers to integrate the learning, resulting in projects that span many different subject areas and modes of learning.


PS1 is thrilled to offer a World Language program in Spanish, beginning in the 2024-2025 school year. The Spanish program is centered around encouraging students to love learning about languages and cultures, using standards written by ACTFL to guide our program goals, outcomes, and evaluations. Through songs, play, and cross-curricular connections students are immersed in Spanish from K-6th grade. Outside of Spanish class students experience the world of Spanish in their classrooms, during school-wide events, and in the literature throughout the school. There are many Spanish speakers in our community (students, staff, parents). As the Spanish program grows, our goal is to continue to find ways to include the community in our love of language learning.


The Studio is an innovative, maker space for students to engage in hands-on and problem-based learning. Here, students learn to safely use technology, wood working tools, electronics, sewing machines with soft textiles, laser-cutting, and 3-D printing to bring their ideas and imagination to life. The Studio emphasizes the academic areas of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) as students ask, design, build, create, test, improve their ideas and share while learning the foundation of design thinking and the engineering process.

Design thinking incorporates proven-effective teaching techniques such as self-directed inquiry and problem-solving, collaboration, and empathy... qualities of PS1’s teaching and learning philosophy since the school's founding in 1971.

The aspect of design thinking that resonates best with the mission of PS1 is that the value of a learning experience does not lie solely in the end product. Learning happens throughout the process, from the early research phase to the final presentation. It has always been our mission to support students by focusing on what’s most important in learning: the process, rather than the product.

An essential part of this process is students’ learning to navigate ambiguity, experiment, and interpret results. Students learn to empathize with the people they are trying to help, to design solutions, to test and refine, and to embrace failure as a learning opportunity (Seidel,, July, 2018). Design thinking supports PS1’s view of advocacy since it is inherently optimistic, teaching students that they can improve their world. Scroll down to watch a video about our STEAM Studio!

CLICK HERE to read a recent curriculum update from The Studio.


The arts are incorporated into every subject. Geometry is often demonstrated in architectural models, scientific observations can take the form of ink drawings or topographical clay maps, and writing is accompanied by illustrations. Students also learn in a unique art studio environment that provides the necessary art experiences, and artistic tools and techniques to facilitate the blossoming of young artists. We explore color, line, form and perspective in a variety of media including pen, paint, pastels, ceramics and tile mosaics. We study artists and art history, discuss and critique works of art, learn about artistic expression around the world, and incorporate the use of recycled materials in many of our projects. Scroll down to watch a video of our Art program!

CLICK HERE to watch a video highlighting the recent curriculum in the Art Room.


Our music program integrates curricular themes through song and genre, and provides all students with regular hands-on experience with elements of pitch and rhythm. Students learn to read, write and perform from a wide range of cultures and historical periods using a variety of Orff, percussion, wind, and tonal instruments. The music program covers many musical elements each week, including singing, music theory, music appreciation, and basic instrument skills. Instrumental music is also taught before school through our partnership with Sounds Like LA (formerly Santa Monica Youth Orchestra). Scroll down to watch a video about our Music, Movement, and Drama program!

CLICK HERE to read a recent curriculum update from the Music Room.


P.E. at PS1 takes a holistic approach to developing physical and social attributes of a confident and capable citizen. We offer a wide variety of sports and innovative activities including basketball, soccer, lacrosse, Frisbee, yoga, dance, circus arts, football, and ropes courses. It is our goal in the P.E. program to meet each child’s needs, strengths, and abilities during every activity. PS1 students love to play in P.E., often unaware of the valuable skills they have acquired. The importance of sportsmanship, fair play, and learning to get along with each other is reinforced through these cooperative, team building, and group activities.

CLICK HERE to read a recent curriculum update from our Physical Education Program.


Our Library is the literal heart of the school, open before, during and after the school day, for faculty, children and parents. The collection has been developed with a broad approach, including materials that not only support the curriculum, but the leisure reading and individual passions of children. Our school’s dedication to pluralism is evident in the depth and breadth of our collections, both fiction and non-fiction.

CLICK HERE to read a recent curriculum update from our Library.


The Music Program at PS1: An Introduction to Music, Movement, and Drama

In the PS1 music, movement and drama program, it is essential that each student feels ownership of The Arts. We work on developing skills and technique, but MOST importantly, children know that no one is excluded from the ability to express themselves, and engage with music, movement, and drama. CLICK to learn more!

The Studio at PS1: An Introduction to our STEAM Program

Want to learn more about the creative and innovative projects happening at The Studio? CLICK to watch our video, created by PS1 parents, detailing students' project-based learning enhanced by our STEAM program.

The Living Art Room at PS1: An Introduction to our ART Program

Want to learn more about the Living Art Room at PS1? CLICK to watch our video, created by PS1 parents, detailing students' inspiring art projects, and hear from our Art Specialist, Lina, about the value of arts education at PS1.


The Library at PS1: Middles Students (grades 3&4) Share Their Favorite Books!

Books, books, and more books! Students provide an introduction to some of their favorite books, which can all be found in the PS1 Library.