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One highlight of the 2023-24 school year was the Strategic Vision process, a collaborative effort in which many of our community members played an integral role. Together, we embarked on a journey of introspection and planning for the future of our school. Through this process, we delved deep into the qualities that define PS1 strengths, explored areas for growth and development and identified key strategic opportunities that will guide us in the years to come.

In Susannah’s Moving Up Day welcome speech, she had the privilege of unveiling our school’s updated Vision, Mission, and Values. These foundational elements honor PS1’s rich history and philosophical founding, while charting a course for an exciting future. We are thrilled to invite each of you to join us on this journey and to participate in the strategic opportunities that lie ahead.

Your partnership and collaboration will be instrumental as we work together to realize our shared vision for PS1 and ensure that PS1 continues to thrive and evolve in a rapidly changing world.

Susannah Wolf
Head of School

Jen Brown
Chair, Board of Directors
P '25, P '28